
My Fav 5 United Cakedom Posts

These are my favorite posts from the last 2 years and 11 months! Each one was were I felt I did something different then I had ever done before and it turned out in a delicious treat!

Chocolate Orange Brownies: 

In America I remember only getting a Chocolate Orange at Christmas time. You couldn't get one any other time of year. When I moved to Great Britain and saw they had chocolate oranges out in the middle of summer I was appalled!! It was pure blasphemy! They were for Christmas like Cadbury Creme Eggs are for Easter...

Golden Snitch Bomb Cake {Happy Birthday Harry!}

For Harry's big day I made him a snitch cake, like Mrs Weasley does in book 7. I played around with different ideas. But finally decided I wanted to use sugar paste as I concluded it would give me the look I wanted. Then I used a gold spray to make it golden!... 

Forgotten Blackberry Pudding from the Hempstock Farm

However it was never my intention to review the book here, but to share with you a dessert inspired by the delicious sounding food from the Hempstock Farm. As this is a “forgotten” pudding it was fitting for our main character. Then on the day that changed everything he has homemade blackberry jam, so blackberries were a must. It was so easy to make and so absolutely delicious. I imagined I was using fresh eggs and cream from the Hempstock’s! 

June 12th is National Peanut Butter Cookie Day. I love peanut butter and I love cookies.... Making them taste like, a childhood favorite, Nutter Butters is an ingenious idea! They are huge so it will probably be a better idea to make them smaller then I did, as I've ended up halving them. No way I can eat one on my own the size I've made them! The filling I could eat by itself. I love peanut butter. I've said that already. My fickle heart talking again…


The scent of vanilla is intoxicating. Whenever I make anything with vanilla you will find me wafting the scent towards me or continuously trying the batter/custard/frosting and so on.

notes: This post was written for day 2 of Blog Every Day in May #BEDM

1 comment:

  1. I am craving sweets so bad right now, I want that peanut butter cookie NOW!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings


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