
The Pastry Challenge November Linky {Pies and Tarts}

Halloween is over and now most people here in England are thinking Christmas, but me an American is thinking Thanksgiving!

When I think of Thanksgiving I think of pumpkin or pecan pie I mean Thanksgiving wouldn't be Thanksgiving without pies!

So, that's this month's theme pies and I'm extending it to tarts and quiches and basically anything that is pastry and can be baked in a pie tin.

I extended the end date to the 31st as I will be making pie at the end of the month when I make my Thanksgiving meal! So, even if you aren't celebrating you have a bit more time!

Pies are perfect for this time of year! It's comfort food season and they provide comfort whether they are savoury or sweet!

I can't wait to see all your pies or tarts!!

Here are some of our ground rules and below is the button to add your link!

First bake a pastry that fits the theme (any pie/tart pastry and any pie/tart filling)!
Second blog about it! Be sure to link back to both myself Lisa and Jen.

If you tweet use the hashtag #thepastryhcallenge and be sure to include us @unitedcakedom & @jensfood we like and retweet any we see! Not essential but if you want on Instagram tag us (Lisa & Jen) and we will like and comment when we can!

Please feel free to use the image above in your post as a way to help spread the word. I will be adding the entries to the official Pastry Challenge Pinterest board that you can follow here!

Lastly link it up below, following the instructions on the widget/gadget below.

A few reminders we are looking for new or re-posted posts following the instructions above. Feel free to enter more then one entry. Also if you have a few minutes check out the entry before yours and leave a comment!

Any questions please feel free to contact either Jen or myself! We look forward to seeing all your amazing pastry creations!

There are lots of other blogging challenges so overlapping is encouraged and if you have one we haven't heard of please let us know by email or leaving a comment below!

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