Jaffa Cake Doughnut Wars!!

Having read an article, titled the same as my post, recently I had to find out for myself what it was all about. In a nutshell Gregg’s launched a new range of doughnuts and one of them is “Jaffa Cake”. This flavor became really popular and then Krispy Kreme launched their doughnut called “The Jaffa Dreamcake”. The question in this war is which doughnut is better?

First up Jaffa Dreamcake: The actual doughnut is exactly what you’d expect from a K.Kreme doughnut- light and sugary. The orange filling was very natural tasting. Zesty, tart, clean, fresh are a few of the words I wrote down immediately after trying it. It didn’t really taste like a Jaffa Cake though. Just like an orange filled, chocolate-topped doughnut. It does get a bonus for the decoration of an orange slice on top!

Second: Jaffa Cake Doughnut: This too is a typical Gregg’s doughnut- doughy, rich and slightly greasy. The orange filling was more artificial tasting. I didn’t get orange I got orange flavoring. However the chocolate topping was thick, in some bites a little over-powering, but eaten all together made the doughnut taste like an actual Jaffa Cake.

Final Conclusion: Honestly I enjoyed the K.Kreme doughnut more, but Gregg’s tasted more like a Jaffa Cake. I don’t count nutritional information because when you’re eating a doughnut I feel it’s a mute point. (For those of you who want to know the Gregg’s doughnut is better for your arteries.) In war there are no winners and therefore I can’t declare an out right winner on taste alone. However if we must have a tiebreaker it would come down to cost. I think it’s completely outrageous to charge 1.60GBP* for a single doughnut! 70p is much more affordable and therefore my chosen winner! Congrats to Gregg’s Jaffa Cake Doughnut!!

If you’ve tried both I’d love to hear your thoughts! Or take part in the poll on the side bar that will be up until the end of January!!

Last note: On my quest for the best doughnut Burger King had advertisements up for a Jaffa Cake BK Fusion. It was like fate! After ruining my diet for the day with 2 doughnuts I figured why not add some ice cream to that! It was good. Vanilla ice cream with orange chocolate running through it and cake pieces to top it off yum! I obviously have a thing for chocolate and orange!

*Great British Pound; my laptop is American and I don’t know how to make the pound symbol on it! If you know please share! 

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